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Manuscript Guidelines


Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically (by using the e-mail address <>). This journal has adopted at least a double-blind reviewing policy. The papers will be published only if approved by the editorial board.


File format:

Files should be submitted in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf.


Editing instructions:

Georgia font (size of the basic text, 12 points), without formatting (A4, centered text, single spacing, without tabs, indentations, etc.). The footnotes are in 10-point Georgia font. If you require a special graphic layout of your text, please deliver one such version of your paper in PDF format (according to your requirements) and one standard version.


We accept studies ranging of 20 – 30 standard pages. The editors reserve the right to decide on the acceptance of longer texts.

For reviews, we suggest a range of 10,000–15,000 characters, including spaces.

For annotations and reports, we recommended a scope of 4,000–6,000 characters, including spaces.”


Article structure:

Title (size of title 14 points);

Subtitle (if exists);

Name(s) of author(s);

Title in English;

English abstract (max. 250 words);

Keywords (maximum 6);

Text of paper;

Bibliography sources (in sequence: primary sources, periodical print, bibliography, electronic sources);

Longer English summary (500 – 900 words);

Name(s) of author(s);

Affiliation(s) (including address);

e-mail contact;

Authors ORCID ID.

Please, use a logical article structure (introduction, chapters, conclusion). In the presence of chapter titles within the text, it is required to render them in italics. For instance, the Introduction or Conclusion (size of chapters 12 points). It is unnecessary to excessively compartmentalize the text. Footnotes are compulsory. The list of used sources and literature should be included at the end of the paper.



All figures – images, schemes, tables, etc., should be delivered as separate files in .tiff or .jpg format. Their location in the text should be indicated (a blank line, a line marked as “Figure X, etc.”). Text descriptions must be provided for all images. Captions for figures should be placed at the end of the file in the format: ‘Fig. number and Description text, which is located under the picture. (‘Tab.’ for tables; ‘Graph.’ for graphs). During text editing, they will be positioned alongside the respective illustration to which they refer. The images should be delivered in print quality, i.e. at least 300 dpi resolution, postcard size 10×15 cm. Quality lower than 100 dpi will not be accepted. The size of the figures may be reduced.

Citations and lists of bibliographic references:

As to citations, we use the STN ISO 690 norm – Documentation. Bibliographic references. A uniform way of citing should be used in the whole paper. In abbreviated references to already used sources, the initial words of a title should be used. There are several examples:

Reference to archival sources in text (footnotes):

Please state the name of an archive, the name of an archival fund, the location mark or inventory number of a document, and the cited page (if applicable).

Further details can be found in the provided examples:

The State Archive in Prešov (hereinafter SA Prešov), fund (hereinafter f.) Okresný úrad v Prešove (hereinafter OÚP), box (hereinafter b.) 12, i. n. 23/1925 adm.

The Archive of Saint Adalbert Association in Trnava (hereinafter ASAA Trnava), fund (hereinafter f.) 158/9a, F. R. Osvald’s letter toK. A. Medvecký, 29. 3. 1923.

Slovak National Archive in Bratislava (hereinafter SNA Bratislava), Ústredňa štátnej bezpečnosti (hereinafter ÚŠB), fund (hereinafter f.) 209, box (hereinafter b.) 10, report from 20. 5. 1940.

Archive of the Episcopal Office in Trnava (hereinafter AEO Trnava), fund (hereinafter f.) Apoštolská administratúra, 1935, n. 1416.

Subsequently, it is necessary to provide abbreviated references:

SA Prešov, f. OÚP, b. 12, i.n. 23/1925 adm.

SNA Bratislava, f. ÚŠB, f. 209, b. 10, Tománek’s letter to the President of the

Slovak Republic J. Tiso from 8. 4. 1940.

Reference to archival sources in Bibliography sources:

The State Archive in Prešov, fund Okresný úrad v Prešove.

The archive of Saint Adalbert Association in Trnava, fund 158/9a.

Slovak National Archive in Bratislava, fund Anton Štefánek.

Reference to historical newspapers in text (footnotes):

Katolícke noviny, 26. 6. 1920, vol. 2, iss. 26, pp. 1 – 2.

Chýrnik. In Roľnícke hlasy, 21. 9. 1924, vol. 5, iss. 39,  p. 3.

Boj medzi ľudákmi. In Slovenský denník, 1927, vol. 10, iss. 10, p. 2.

Reference to historical newspapers in Bibliography sources:

 Katolícke noviny, 1919 – 1921.

 Roľnícke hlasy, 1925.

 Slovenský denník, 1927.

Reference to a monograph in text (footnotes):

BABIC, Marek. Od antiky k stredoveku : dejiny neskorého rímskeho cisárstva medzi rokmi 284 – 476. Brno : Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2009, p. 290.


Reference to a monograph in Bibliography sources:

BABIC, Marek. Od antiky k stredoveku : dejiny neskorého rímskeho cisárstva medzi rokmi 284 – 476. Brno : Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2009.


Reference to a monograph with more than 3 authors in text (footnotes):

DVORSKÝ, Peter et al. Ružomberok. Monografia mesta. Banská Bystrica : Štúdio Harmony, 2009, pp. 145 – 147.


Reference to a monograph with more than 3 authors in Bibliography sources:

DVORSKÝ, Peter et al. Ružomberok. Monografia mesta. Banská Bystrica : Štúdio Harmony, 2009.

Reference to proceedings as a book:

ZMÁTLO, Peter (ed.). Ružomberský historický zborník I. Zborník vydaný z príležitosti životného jubilea doc. PhDr. Ivana Chalupeckého. Ružomberok : Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, 2008.

Note: the first information provided is the name of the editor, in case they bear primary responsibility for the compilation of the work. In instances involving multiple compilers, the name of the first editor is placed on the title page.

Note: Individuals with secondary responsibilities (e.g., scientific editors, editors, translators, etc.) are listed following the title of the work.

 Banské mestá na Slovensku. Zborník príspevkov zo sympózia o banských mestách na Slovensku, ktoré usporiadala Sekcia pre dejiny miest Slovenskej historickej spoločnosti pri SAV v spolupráci so Štátnym okresným archívom v Žiari nad Hronom 26. – 28. mája 1987 na Počúvadle. Ed. Richard Marsina. Martin : Osveta pre ONV v Žiari nad Hronom, 1990.

Reference to a proceedings paper in text (footnotes):

MARŤÁK, Michal. Reflexia HSĽS na stránkach spišskej agrárnej regionálnej tlače. In HUŤKA, Miroslav – ZMÁTLO, Peter (eds.). Ružomberský historický zborník II. Ružomberok : Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, 2008, p. 177.

BABIC, Marek. Kresťanská antika. Náboženské prostredie v Rímskej ríši v období vzniku kresťanstva. In NOVOTNÁ, Mária (ed.). Dejiny a kultúra antického Grécka a Ríma. Trnava : VEDA, 2006, p. 540.

HUŤKA, Miroslav. Stredoveké Uhorsko (Slovensko). In HUNČAGA, Gabriel – HUŤKA, Miroslav. Žobravé rehole a stredoveké mestá (pôsobenie mendikantov v stredovekom urbánnom prostredí). Ružomberok : VERBUM – Vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, 2022, p. 152.


Reference to a proceedings paper in Bibliography sources:

MARŤÁK, Michal. Reflexia HSĽS na stránkach spišskej agrárnej regionálnej tlače. In HUŤKA, Miroslav – ZMÁTLO, Peter (eds.). Ružomberský historický zborník II. Ružomberok : Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, 2008, pp. 175 – 182.

BABIC, Marek. Kresťanská antika. Náboženské prostredie v Rímskej ríši v období vzniku kresťanstva. In NOVOTNÁ, Mária (ed.). Dejiny a kultúra antického Grécka a Ríma. Trnava : VEDA, 2006, pp. 533 – 562.

HUŤKA, Miroslav. Stredoveké Uhorsko (Slovensko). In HUNČAGA, Gabriel – HUŤKA, Miroslav. Žobravé rehole a stredoveké mestá (pôsobenie mendikantov v stredovekom urbánnom prostredí). Ružomberok : VERBUM – Vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, 2022, pp. 139 – 260.


Reference to a paper published in a journal in text (footnotes):

MAREK, Pavel. K reflexi pastýřského listu slovenských biskupů z roku 1924 Československou stranou národně socialistickou. In Cultural History, 2023, Vol. 14, Supplement, p. 136.

VLČEK, Radomír. Česko-ruská jednota jako příklad spolku česko-ruské vzájemnosti. In Cultural History, 2020, Vol. 11, Iss. 1, p. 37.


Reference to a paper published in a journal in Bibliography sources:

MAREK, Pavel. K reflexi pastýřského listu slovenských biskupů z roku 1924 Československou stranou národně socialistickou. In Cultural History, 2023, Vol. 14, Supplement, pp. 122 – 146.

VLČEK, Radomír. Česko-ruská jednota jako příklad spolku česko-ruské vzájemnosti. In Cultural History, 2020, Vol. 11, Iss. 1, pp. 34 – 55.


Reference to an already-cited source:

In subsequent repeated notes, the initial words of the source title are provided in italics. (in case of monography, etc.)

BABIC, Od antiky k stredoveku, p. 46.

MAREK, K reflexi pastýřského listu, p. 130.

It is possible to use ‘Ibidem’ in abbreviated form:

MAREK, K reflexi pastýřského listu, p. 130.

Ibid., p. 130.

Reference to an Internet source in text (footnotes):

GOLIAN, Ján. Prvá dáma slovenského národa. Anička Jurkovičová Hurbanová. In  GOLIAN Ján – MOLDA, Rastislav (eds.). (Ne)obyčajné príbehy žien. Ružomberok : Society for Human studies, 2019, p. 44 [on-line].  Available on the internet: <> [27. 10. 2023]

MARŤÁK, Michal. Pavel Žiška ako „večný“ kandidát na biskupa. In Kultúrne dejiny, 2023, Vol. 14, supplementum, p. 120 [on-line].  Available on the internet: [27. 10. 2023]

Reference to an Internet source in Bibliography sources:

GOLIAN, Ján. Prvá dáma slovenského národa. Anička Jurkovičová Hurbanová. In GOLIAN Ján – MOLDA, Rastislav (eds.). (Ne)obyčajné príbehy žien. Ružomberok : Society for Human studies, 2019, pp. 24 – 53 [on-line].  Available on the internet: <> [27. 10. 2023]

MARŤÁK, Michal. Pavel Žiška ako „večný“ kandidát na biskupa. In Kultúrne dejiny, 2023, Vol. 14, supplementum, p. 110 – 121 [on-line]. Available on the internet: <> [27. 10. 2023]



– In the case that the author’s name is missing, the title of the is provided as the first information.

– In case of missing place of publication or year of publication, it is necessary to use abbreviations: “[s. d.]“ – sine data, “[s. l. ] “ – sine loco, “[s. n.]“ – sine nomine.

– In the case of multiple places of publication and publishers, the name of the publisher is added to the respective place of publication, separated by a semicolon: Bratislava: Veda; Prague: Lidové noviny, 1999.

– If there are multiple places of publication mentioned and only one publisher, the places of publication are separated by a semicolon and a space: Bratislava; Kraków : Chronos, 1956.

The author is obliged to verify for each item in the list of bibliographic references whether its DOI identifier exists. If the cited DOI output is assigned, this identifier in the form https: // / … must be added to the bibliographic reference. The

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