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Call for papers

Call for papers

In the journal of Cultural History we would like to build on the tradition of European research in cultural history. Archaeologists, philosophers, sociologists, theologians, art historians, culturologists, linguists and others, who deal with the research in the process of cultural and social changes in history, are also welcome to publish in our journal. In particular, we receive those studies, which go beyond the boundaries of social sciences and humanities, whether in terms of interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity. We also accept reviews, annotations and brief notices on cultural historical events.

First, the formal aspects of the studies are considered upon their submission in Slovak, Czech, English, German or Polish language. Accepted papers are forwarded to two reviewers, who are experts in the field and come from different institutions than the author of the paper. The relationship between authors and reviewers are anonymous on both sides. If both reviews are positive, the paper is accepted after the approval by the editorial board. If both reviews are negative, the paper is denied. If one review is positive and the other is negative, the author is asked to finalize the paper. After the finalization, the paper is re-reviewed. The contributions in Czech, Slovak, German and Polish language are supplemented with an English abstract and summary. At least half the content of the journal is based on basic research or brings new perspective on presented issues.

As for the sections of the journal, we divided them according to the best practice of professional journals: studies and articles, discussions and polemics, sources, interviews, reviews and annotations, brief notices and a short list of interesting web links.

Of course, this does not mean that there are all sections in each issue. We must take into account the extent of individual issues (number of pages). The shaping of the journal is our common task. Thank you!

E-mail address for sending papers is:

The administrator of this email address is the technical editor Mgr. Marek Hasák, PhD.