Peer-reviewed journal focused on history and anthropology
Cultural History (ISSN 1338-2209 (print), ISSN 2989–3313 (online)) is a peer-reviewed journal focused on history and anthropology. When we talk about the “cultural history”, we mean a wide scale of themes that are connected with acultural activities of man in the past. Issued semiannually, the journal deals with history in a broad sense up to its intersection with sociology, philosophy, theology, fine arts, and linguistics in all historical periods up to the present. Even though it is not territorially limited, the journal zeros in on the Central European region more precisely. Accepted languages are Slovak, Czech, Polish, English and German (papers in other languages will be translated).
Not commissioned papers will not be returned to the authors. All rights reserved.
The journal is published in Open Access mode.
Publishing and access to the journal is free of charge.
About Journal Cultural History
ISSN 1338-2209 (print)
ISSN 2989–3313 (online)
Ev. č. MK SR 4105/10.
Frequency: twice a year
© 2010 VERBUM – Publishing House of CU
Closing dates: February 28 and August 31
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Papers are published under license Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.