Kultúrne dejiny 2/2019 / Cultural History 2/2019
Vyšlo nové číslo časopisu Kutlúrne dejiny / A new issue of magazine Cultural History was published
Štúdie, články / Studies, Articles
KEYWORDS: Middle Ages; Bohemian lands; Cult of saints; Church Fathers; Doctors of the Church; St. Jerome
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the cult of St. Jerome in the medieval Bohemian lands. St. Jerome represents one of the most significant Christian saints, one of the Four Great Latin Church Fathers and the Doctor of The Church. The text represents the first attempt to complete processing and clarification of the manifestations reverence toward the St. Jerome at the period of the High and the Late Middle Ages and with following the usual signs of saint’s cult analyses dedication of churches, remains, historical art monuments and all the oldest known medieval legends about St. Jerome. From the presented analysis the cult of St. Jerome in the medieval Bohemian lands during the period of the Middle Ages follows, that St. Jerome was a relatively well-known and respected saint in the milieu of secular and church elites. However St. Jerome was not a saint who was widely worshiped among simple Catholic believers and on countryside as the Patron saints of the Czech lands or a group of The Fourteen Holy Helpers.
KEYWORDS: Dositheus (Vasić), Czechoslovakia, Serbian Orthodox Church, mission
ABSTRACT: The formation of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918 created a new situation for the nations still living in the Habsburg monarchy. Fundamental changes happened not only in terms of the constitutional law conditions, but also in all areas of the life of the society. The changes also affected the area of the church and religion. The democratic political regime guaranteed people freedom of religion. This fact is reflected in the reinforcement of secular tendencies, but at the same time there were changes and a revival of activities both inside established churches and in churches and religious societies which the political regime of the monarchy had suppressed. The inter-church transfer movement also affected the community professing the values of Eastern Christianity. The Orthodox movement had a spontaneous and unrestrained character. For this reason, the inexperienced state administration invited the Serbian Orthodox Church to help organize the Orthodox Church in Czechoslovakia, and so it sent a mission led by Dositheus (Vasić), the bishop of Niš, to the member country of the Little Entente. The bishop, who was mainly active on the territory of the Czech lands and in Subcarpathian Ruthenia, tried to establish the Orthodox faith in the Czech lands within the newly established National Church of Czechoslovakia (Hussite) and supported the emancipatory efforts of a group of Orthodox Czechs who had converted to Orthodoxy before World War I. In Subcarpathian Ruthenia, he sought to create a Carpathian Orthodox eparchy under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The authors recall the main features of Dositheus’s Orthodox mission and evaluate its results. They conclude that the mission did not meet the original expectations as a result of both objectively unfavourable circumstances and its own errors. On the other hand, the authors perceive the bishop’s work as an important chapter in the history of the Orthodox Church in Czechoslovakia, which extends to Czechoslovak-South Slavic relations in the interwar period.
KEYWORDS: Ladislav Hanus, Catholic press, pluralism, quality, dialogue, media
ABSTRACT: The aim of the paper is to look at the work and life of Ladislav Hanus from the perspective of his contribution to the newspapers he wrote for, or that he was in charge of as an editor-in-chief. Ladislav Hanus, a philosopher, theologian and a prolific writer belongs to the most influential thinkers of the 20th century in Slovakia. Besides his great academic works he contributed to development of Catholic journals Verbum and Kultúra either as an author or editor-in-chief. The paper aims to draw on Hanus’ writings and outline a concept of catholic press and/or media in general. As a result of a textual analysis, the following pillars of catholic press were identified: quality of content, quality of form and design, openess to dialogue and criticism, and reflection of current issues in society. In the 20th century and in Slovak socio-cultural context, his approach to issues like pluralism and dialogue might be considered as modern and his legacy goes beyond the 20th century.
KEYWORDS: Ľudovít Knappek, Comenius University in Bratislava, jurisprudence, cannon law
ABSTRACT: On the basis of archival documents and scientific literature, the author of submitted paper attempts to reconstruct the professional biography of Professor Ľudovít Knappek, who ranks among the most significant representatives of Czechoslovak and Slovak jurisprudence in the field of canon law. While the substantial part of analysed archival documents provides valuable information about his career growth and development, his most remarkable scientific works, which are discussed in the paper, enable us to view him as a skilled professional, versed in history of canon law, as well as in actual problems of contemporary practice of confessional law. The main goal of presented study is therefore to introduce professor Knappek as a versatile and gifted scientist and also official, who used his professional skills and knowledge in order to bolster the teaching and research of canon law at the newly established faculty of law of the Comenius University in Bratislava. Furthermore, the author?s aim is to offer a wholly new and detailed information about his foreign study stays (especially the stays in Berlin and Rome in the 30s of 20th century), which strongly influenced his scientific orientation on the medieval history of canon law in the Kingdom of Hungary. The author also expresses his opinion on the final years of professor Knappek?s career at the Bratislava faculty of law during the Second World War, which was judged very strictly by the representatives of post-war Slovak executive and which was presented as the official reason for his final dismissal from the faculty.
Štúdie, články / Studies, Articles
KEYWORDS: Boethius, seven liberal arts, quadrivium, arithmetic, Pythagorean tradition
ABSTRACT: Institutio arithmetica is one of the most famous work of Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius. The author introduces the arithmetics as a mathematical discipline and its properties. Boethius’ work is based on work of Pythagorean mathematician named Nikomachos from Gerasa who defines the arithmetic as the number theory or philosophy of numbers. Selected paragraph is concerned about Boethius̕ definiton of the arithmetic.
„Naše dejiny sú úžasné, v mnohom ešte nepoznané.“ Rozhovor s historikom Romanom Holecom / “Our history is awesome, yet unknown in many areas” Interview with Historian Roman Holec
DE LUCCA, Denis: The Baroque Mind (Lino Bianco) (p. 290)
HARARI, Yuval Noah: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (Peter Olexák) (p. 293)
FLOSMAN, Martin: S orlem i lvem 1. díl. Příběhy českých vojenských duchov- ních od 17. století do první světové války (Peter Borza) (p. 294)
GOLIAN, Ján – MOLDA, Rastislav a kol.: (Ne)obyčajný život farára. (Slavomír Zeleňák) (p. 297)
SKOŘEPOVÁ, Markéta: Ovdovění a osiření ve venkovské společnosti. Panství Nový Rychnov (1786 – 1855) (Ján Golian) (p. 300)
GÉCZYOVÁ, Iveta – GREŠNER, Lukáš a kol. Nitrianske Pravno – Miesto s pamäťou zlata (Tomáš Pastucha) (p. 304)
RODNEY, Stark: Vyriekli krivé svedectvo. Odhalenie stáročných protikatolíckych neprávd (Patrik Griger ) (p. 307)
SUCHÝ, Ľubor – ZACHAROVÁ, Daniela a kol.: Metodika identifikácie a výskumu historických krovov (Matej Tatarka ) (p. 308)
GNIP, Jozef: Pavlínsky kláštor v Trebišove (Lukáš Bujko) (p. 309)
PÁLOSFALVI, Tamás: From Nicopolis to Mohács (Tomáš Pastucha) (p. 310)
FRIMMOVÁ, Eva – KOHÚTOVÁ, Mária (eds.): Reformácia a jej dôsledky na Slovensku. (Lukáš Bujko ) (p. 311)
OĽŠAVSKÁ, Gabriela: Evanjelici v Prešove v 18. a v prvej polovici 19. storočia (Fragmenty z dejín cirkvi, školstva a osobností) (Tomáš Tomo) (p. 313)
ŠVORC, Peter: Od pluhu do senátorského kresla. Jurko Lažo a jeho doba (1867 – 1929) (Peter Zmátlo ) (p. 314)
LIŠČÁK, Marián: Päť panstiev. Vybrané aspekty hospodárskeho života na panstvách Žilinského slúžnovského obvodu Trenčianskej stolice od konca 18. do po- lovice 19. storočia. (Patrik Griger) (p. 316)
JESENSKÝ, Miloš – ADAMČÍK, Tomáš a kol.: Žilinský kraj na križovatkách de- jín 1918 – 1968 (Lukáš Tkáč) (p. 317)
PECNÍK, Marcel a kol.: Žiar nad Hronom (monografia mesta) (Tomáš Pastucha) (p. 318)
FURDÍKOVÁ, Eva: O čom nemlčia cirkevné matriky. Čierny Balog a jeho obyvatelia v cirkevných matrikách (Ján Golian) (p. 319)
HRUBOŇ, Antonín – HRUBOŇ, Anton: Náš Ružomberok na historických pohľadniciach. (Patrik Griger) (p. 320)
JAKOBYOVÁ, Barbora – NIŽŇAN- SKÝ, Eduard: Dejiny židovskej komunity v Dolnom Kubíne (Lukáš Tkáč) (p. 321)
KOSOVÁ, Katarína a kol.: Národné kul- túrne pamiatky na Slovensku – Levoča (Tomáš Pastucha) (p. 322)
ŠVORC, Peter. Štrbské vizitácie a ich aktéri. Od Tolerančného patentu po prvú svetovú vojnu. (Ján Golian) (p. 323)
Acta historica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis 10/2017. (Lukáš Bujko) (p. 325)
Historická demografie, 2018, roč. 42, č. 1 a 2. (Ján Golian) (p. 326)
Správa z vedeckej konferencie Dejiny životného prostredia v doline Sopotnice
a Brusnianky, Brusno, Kultúrny dom, 15. mája 2019, Slovenská republika.
Správa o vedeckej konferencii Kult v dejinách, Ružomberok, Katolícka univerzita
v Ružomberku, Filozofická fakulta, 11. – 12. septembra 2019, Slovenská
Správa o vedeckej konferencii Florián Tománek: kňaz, politik, publicista, Ružomberok,
Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Filozofická fakulta, 26. septembra
2019, Slovenská republika.
Nežná revolúcia na internete/ The Velvet Revolution on the Internet (p. 333)
Mgr. Martin Slepička; Ostravská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra historie, CZ-701 03 Ostrava; Reální 5; slepickamartin@seznam.cz
doc. Jurij Danilec, Ph.D.; Uzhorod National University Department of Archeology, Ethnology and Cultural Studies UK-88000 Ukraine, Transcarpathian region; Uzhorod, pl. Lidove 3; jurij.danilec@uzhnu.edu.ua
prof. PhDr. PaedDr. Pavel Marek, Ph.D.; Palacký University, Faculty of Arts, Department of History CZ-771 80 Olomouc; Na Hradě 5; Pavel.Marek@upol.cz
Mgr. Pavel Izrael, PhD. Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra žurnalistiky SK-03401 Ružomberok, Hrabovská cesta 1B; pavel.izrael@ku.sk
Mgr. Ján Sombati, PhD. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Právnická fakulta, Katedra právnych dejín a právnej komparatistiky SK-81000 Bratislava, Šafárikovo nám. 6; jan.sombati@flaw.uniba.sk
Mgr. Miroslava Trogová, PhD. (absolventka doktorandského štúdia) Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra filozofie SK-91843 Trnava, Hornopotočná 23; m.trogova@gmail.com