Kultúrne dejiny 1/2019 / Cultural History 1/2019
Vyšlo nové číslo časopisu Kutlúrne dejiny / A new issue of magazine Cultural History was published
Štúdie, články / Studies, Articles
KEYWORDS: The First Crusade, patriarch John Oxeites, Bohemond of Antioch, The Latin-Greek religious polemic, Schism of 1054, the azyme controversy
ABSTRACT: After the occupation of the Syrian Antioch by the army of the First Crusade in 1098, the Greek Orthodox patriarch John V Oxeites (1091–1110) became the spiritual representative of the local Greek Orthodox population as well as of the Latin Christians. This consensus was probably based on the instructions of Pope Urban II, who pursued a policy of liberation of the Eastern Churches while preserving the existing arrangement of their patriarchates headed by the Orthodox Greek hierarchs. The present study evaluates the activity of John Oxeites on the patriarchal throne of Antioch after its occupation by the Crusaders with respect to the limits of the mutual coexistence and cooperation. The relations between the South Italian Norman Crusaders and the Greek patriarch were problematic for several reasons. The first one concerns his loyalty towards the new rulers. Due to his appointment in Constantinople, the Normans could still consider Oxeites as the representative of the Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos and his interests in Antioch. Such a suspicion was certainly not unjustified, because there is a sign of evidence that Oxeites himself did not consider the new Latin rule as legitimate. Beside of that, the day-by-day communication was also hampered by the existing language barrier, but above all by the different liturgical practices between the Latin and Greek Church. Based on his own statements, Oxeites, like the majority of the Byzantine clergy, considered the Roman Catholic mass with unleavened bread as a fundamental theological problem and the main obstacle to the eventual unification of both churches.
KEYWORDS: asceticism, image, similitudo, imitatio Christi, christoformitas
ABSTRACT: The article attempts to differentiate an image of asceticism from an ascetic image. The first part describes variety of iconographies of the flagellation in Liber depictus from Krumlov as an example of images of asceticism, to define an experiential field for testing of both principal terms (asceticism and image). The second part focusses on theoretical reflection which may possibly affect both the creation and the reception of the images. The third part opens some questions resulting from an effort to interconnect/bridge an empiric approach with a theoretical one. Could there in author’s and recipient’s consciousness exist a specific kind of interconnection between mental images and images/similitudes transcending their consciousness as well as images emerging at the frontiers between images of an ascetic practices various levels and maybe also in philosophical commentaries of an ascetic life and in concrete historical forms of ascetic culture?
KEYWORDS: 19th Century, Hungary, historiography, Eger, Granaries
ABSTRACT: In the 19th and 20th centuries the meteorological amplitudes of the “Little Ice-Age” caused serious problems in the agriculture. In Hungary too. The foundation of savings bank granaries became necessary based on European examples in Hungary too. These insured the suitable quantity of the bread crops and the seed-grain. In Hungary the Procurator Council decreed the foundation of feudal lord and communal savings bank granaries in the beginning of the 1830s. But often this was not seamless becouse the bondmen resisted the plans of the lordship.
KEYWORDS: Slovakia, history, motorism, Wieland family, Spiš region
ABSTRACT: Long-term advocated opinion on the conservative approach of nobility in the territory of Slovakia to technical modernization and to modern forms of leisure is a stereotype that has been relativized by historians in recent years. The nobility members often became enthusiastic supporters of modern trends. Motoring was undoubtedly a part of the spectrum of modern leisure activities. In addition, specific economic and socio-cultural background in Slovakia, as well as high staggered costs, operating costs and the legislative restrictions on personal cars have increased them as a “social elite thing”. That can be considered as one of the key of motoring development in Slovakia. Besides the well-known “prominent” motorists from the territory of Slovakia, for example Count Géza Andrássy or Count Vidor Csáky is also a good example the lesser-known Baron Ákos Wieland, who owned personal cars before the First World War and he used them to a great extent. After the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic, he became an active member of the oldest car owners club in Slovakia and the cars filled a lot of his personal leisure time. The goal of the contribution is to portray character of personal cars, their role and share in free-time activities of the nobility in Slovakia during the interwar period through the example of Baron Ákos Wieland of Markušovce. At the same time, it helps as an example to complement the wider mosaic of changes in the lifestyle of the nobility in the reference period.
Pramene, preklady / Sources, Translations
KEYWORDS: Robert Townson, travels in Hungary, Liptov, voyage
ABSTRACT: Robert Townson (1762 – 1827) was british doctor, natural sciencist, zoologist and traveller. He studied in Paris and later in Edinburgh. As a traveller he visited many countries, including Habsburg monarchy in year 1793. Here he started his journey in Vienna, from where he continued eastwards across cities as Sopron, Győr, Komárno, Esztergom, Buda, Pest, Eger, Debrecen, Oradea, Tokaj, etc. Back to the west he travelled across present days Slovakia and he visited Košice, counties of Šariš, Gemer, Spiš, Liptov, cities Banská Bystrica, Banská Štiavnica, Kremnica, Nitra, Trnava and Bratislava. He writed his experience from this journey into a book Travels in Hungary with a short account of Vienna in the year 1793. He focused mostly on geology, botany, zoology and mining localites, but he mentioned even his personal experience with local people. Nowadays is his book priceless source for knowledge of behavior on the people, because he brings look of foreigner. Our edition shows just parts of his book, in which he writes about county of Liptov. Namely, he writes about Štrba, Štrbské pleso, Važec, ascend on the top of Kriváň, Pribylina, Liptovská Ondrašová, Demänovo cave, Liptovský Ján, Liptovská Teplá, Liptovské Revúce, but even about Liptov in general.
„Moderné historiografie spracovávajú veľmi špecifické čiastkové témy.“ Rozhovor s historikom a dominikánom Gabrielom Hunčagom / “Modern current historiographies process very specific and particular topics” An Interview with the Historian and Dominican Gabriel Hunčaga
Matúš Porubjak, Praktická protofilozofia Tyrtaia a Theognida (Michal Habaj) (p. 111)
Michal Habaj et al., Sparta vs. Athény : Dejiny peloponézskej vojny (Peter Tkáč) (p. 113)
Drahoslav Magdoško, Samospráva mesta Košice v stredoveku (Peter Chlepko) (p. 116)
Johan Huizinga, Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen. Studie over levens- en gedachtenvormen der veertiende en vijftiende eeuw in Frankrijk en de Nederlanden (Adam Bžoch) (p. 118)
Stanislava Knapčoková, K dejinám knižnej ilustrácie na Slovensku. 16. a 17. storočie (Martin Baloga) (p. 122)
Wolfgang Hafer, Die anderen Mautners. Das Schicksal einer jüdischen Unternehmerfamilie (Peter Volek) (p. 124)
Peter Vítek a kol., Dejiny obce Liptovská Štiavnica (Tomáš Pastucha) (p. 131)
Jeannick Vangansbeke, Stefan Zweig (1881–1942) en de reformatie. 500 jaar heerlijk misverstand (Adam Bžoch) (p. 134)
Tim Marshall, V zajatí geografie. Desať máp, ktoré vám povedia všetko, čo chcete vedieť o globálnej politike (Lukáš Tkáč) (p. 134)
Jan Horský – Miroslav Hroch (eds.), Sto let. Hodnota svobody, nebo cena za nezávislost? (Peter Zmátlo) (p. 135)
Mária Bôbová – Dana Chalupeková – Barbora Skubachová, Mária Terézia, panovníčka spätá so slovenskými dejinami : Jej život a reformy v zrkadle knižničných fondov na Slovensku. Štúdie historikov a výberová bibliografia (Peter Tkáč) (p. 137)
Ivan Mrva, Mária Terézia : Vladárka a matka (Lukáš Bujko) (p. 139)
Ján Golian – Rastislav Molda (eds.), Cestopisné denníky : zblízka i zďaleka, z monarchie i republiky (Tomáš Pastucha) (p. 140)
Miloslav Čaplovič (ed.), Rudolf Michal Viest : V zrkadle prameňov a najnovších poznatkov historiografie (Lukáš Bujko) (p. 141)
Miroslav Tuma – Ivana Poláková, Štátny ústav pre zveľaďovanie živností v Martine : 95. výročie vzniku a 80. výročie uvedenia do života (Rozália Čornaničová) (p. 142)
Vladimír Liška, Prezidenti (Lukáš Tkáč) (p. 146)
Peter Keresteš, Najstaršia kniha mesta Nitry 1681 – 1693 (Tomáš Pastucha) (p. 148)
Mikuláš Argalács (ed.), Vznik Československa. Priebeh a vplyv na rozvoj Popradu a jeho okolia. Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie, Poprad 5. júna 2018 (Lukáš Bujko) (p. 149)
Peter Frankl, Židia v Žiline – osobnosti (Peter Tkáč) (p. 150)
Katarína Jagnešáková (ed.), Zborník Oravského múzea XXXIII, 2016 (Pavol Vlček) (p. 153)
Štefan Moyzes – za života a v historickej pamäti. Zborník vydaný pri príležitosti 220. výročia narodenia, eds. Ján Golian – Alica Kurhajcová – Erika Maliniaková – Rastislav Molda (Jaroslav Nemeš) (p. 154)
Autori/Author(s): Martin Pekár, Peter Tkáč
- Správa z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Niezłomność jednostki – trwałość wspólnoty, Przemyśl, Muzeum Narodowe Ziemi Przemyskiej, Plac płk. Berka Joselewicza 1, 20. – 21. októbra 2018, Poľsko
- Správa z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie České, slovenské a československé dějiny dvacátého století, Hradec Králové, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity v Hradci Králové, 2. – 4. apríla 2019, Česká republika
Komunizmus a komunisti na internete / Communism and Communists on the Internet (p. 159)
doc. Mgr. Martin Hurbanič, PhD.; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra všeobecných dejín, Gondova 2, SK-814 99 Bratislava; martin.hurbanic@uniba.sk
prof. PhDr. Ivan Gerát, PhD.; Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra dejín a teórie umenia, Hornopotočná 23, SK-917 00 Trnava; ivan.gerat@gmail.com
prof. doc. PhDr. Marian Zervan, PhD.; Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra dejín a teórie umenia, Hornopotočná 23, SK-917 00 Trnava; marian.zervan@gmail.com
Dr. István Horváth; Főegyházmegyei Levéltár, Széchenyi u. 5, H-3300 Eger; horvath.pesta.70@gmail.com
Mgr. Mikuláš Jančura, PhD.; Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra histórie, Moyzesova 9, SK-040 11 Košice; mikulas.jancura@upjs.sk
Mgr. Katarína Hromuľáková; Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra histórie, Moyzesova 9, SK-040 11 Košice; katarina.hromulakova1@student.upjs.sk
Mgr. Tomáš Pastucha; Katolícka univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra histórie, Hrabovská cesta 1, SK-034 01 Ružomberok; tomas.pastucha@ku.sk